At Hope House School we have a simple phrase ‘Never Go Home with a Concern.’ Hope House School regards it’s responsibility to safeguard young people with the upmost importance. Keeping young people safe is our ‘golden thread’ that can be seen and felt in every element of the schools work and staff are empowered to report a concern  to a our Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Out of Hours Safeguarding number – 07803500737. If you require an urgent response outside of working hours (08:30-17:00), contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0300 456 4546. In an emergency call 999

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead in school is:

Michelle McRae – Headteacher

Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads in school and part of our operational safeguarding team are:

Miriam Reynolds Deputy Headteacher/ SENDCo

Amy Peate, Pastoral TA

Kirsty Thompson, Pastoral TA

Staff receive regular safeguarding training and there is a nominated Trustee Brian Jones, who oversees our safeguarding provision.

The Safeguarding Policy Child Protection and Safeguarding policy  clearly identifies how we will deal with a concern and meets our statutory requirements to Keep Children Safe in Education. It may be helpful to know that legislation requires Headteachers to report any obvious or suspected child abuse to Social Care. This duty is not something we consider lightly and we hope that you would recognise that the school has to act  in a young person’s best interest, if it is safe to do so, we will always discuss with parents/carers first.

For Out of Hours Safeguarding Issues contact Headteacher Michelle McRae: 

If you are worried about a child being in immediate danger call 999 or 101

Visitors To The School

  1. All visitors are asked to wait at the school gate and show ID before entry
  2. All visitors are signed into the school through our reception area
  3. Visitors are given a leaflet about Health and Safety, Safeguarding and Reporting Concerns
  4. Visitors who are not ID and DBS checked are given a red lanyard and are instructed to never be left alone with a child
  5. Visitors will be asked to sign our Online Safety compliance document

Welcome To Hope House leaflet 23.24

Pupil Voice – Our Safety Curriculum

Our Safety Curriculum aims to develop a young person’s voice and enable them to talk about what the enjoy and excites them, but also develop the ability to say when they do not feel safe.  Our young people’s voice really matters to us because we know it keeps them safe!  Take a look at our Pupil Voice Story and Pupil Voice Story Symbols

Young Persons Guide to Keeping Children Safe 

Young Person’s Guide to Keeping Children Safe (

The young person’s guide to the Children and Families Act 2014

Online Safety and our Policy for Parents…

Parents can:

  • Notify a member of staff or the headteacher of any concerns or queries regarding online safety of their child or other children
  • Ensure their child has read, understood and agreed to the terms on acceptable use of the school’s ICT systems and internet.  This forms part of our Safety Curriculum at the start of every academic year.

Parents can seek further guidance on keeping children safe online from the following organisations and websites:

How to guide below…

You can record a case of suspected abuse of any child via the CEOP/Internet Watch Foundation, click on the link to access

Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility, If you have any concerns there is a dedicated team at Nottinghamshire Support Services, called Multi Agency Support Hub 0300 500 80 90 if you have an immediate concern please dial 999 for emergencies or 101.